Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Not your average guest book....

I think I love designing almost as much as I love photography! One of the many specialized products I offer are custom designed albums. I can design them from any session, or multiple sessions such as baby's first year, seniors, family, engagements, weddings, baby or bridal showers, etc.......I have several size options and album styles available, but all are of the highest quality available.
One popular album I offer is a wedding guestbook. I'll design this type of album with plenty of space for people to write messages to the couple, and it can include quotes, scripture, or questions for people to answer such as:
"Ashley and Allen are perfect for each other because...."
"What is love?"
"Words of Wisdom....."
These are just a few ideas. I make each book unique to the couple or individual I'm designing it for.
These are just a few pages from a wedding guestbook I'm designing for Ashley and Allen (you can see some pictures from their engagement session in the "love" section).

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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Morgan and Josh

I've known Morgan for quite a few years now. She is such an awesome girl! Seriously- if I could go back and relive my high school years I would totally want to be like her! I called her and asked her if she would want to model for me for senior pictures because she just graduated this year. She was up for it, and she brought along Josh- her boyfriend of several years. It was actually kind of sad taking pictures of the two because they were leaving for college in a couple of days and they are now over 12 hours apart!
Morgan and Josh- I had a lot of fun with the two of you. Thanks for being my "supermodels" for the day! I hope you enjoy the pictures!

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